Gruppo BolognaFiere
Model pursuant to Leg. Dec. 231/2001 ModenaFiere S.r.l.
ModenaFiere S.r.l. undertakes to ensure conditions of correctness and transparency in its business affairs and activities in order to safeguard its standing and image, the expectations of its customers, shareholders and the work of its employees and collaborators. Aware of the importance of having an internal control system suitable for preventing the commission of unlawful conduct on the part of its directors, employees, collaborators and business partners, the Company has decided to set up an Organisation, Management and Control Model, in line with the principles of transparency and correctness that characterise it and corresponds to the indications imparted by the Group’s parent  company,BolognaFiere S.p.a.
Information is provided in this section relating to the Organisation, Management and Control Model adopted pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 on the part of the Board of Directors of ModenaFiereS.r.l. , in the version updated with the resolution of 17/07/2019.
Leg. Dec. 231/01, in fact, introduced a particular form of administrative liability into the Italian legal system attributable to companies, associations (also without legal personality) and other entities with legal personality for the commission of the offences specifically foreseen.
ModenaFiere’s Organisation, Management and Control Model is composed of a General Part that contains the principles and aims of the Model, and Special Parts that give more detail about the more significant types of offences and unlawful acts to be prevented and other appendices and provisions referred to.
In addition, the Model is completed with a disciplinary system that sanctions infringements according to criteria of gradualness and proportionality of the sanction in relation to the alleged conduct ascertained.

The Code of Ethics, which is an integral part of the Model, sets out the ethical values and responsibilities that ModenaFiere, on its own account and as a company in the BolognaFiere Group, assumes with respect to its stakeholders with the objective of enhancing and protecting the identity and efficiency of the Group (for more information, click here).
ModenaFiere S.r.l. has appointed a specific Supervisory Body, endowed with autonomous powers of initiative and control, which monitors the compliance with, and effectiveness of, the Model. Employees, collaborators and external individuals and entities with dealings with ModenaFiere S.r.l. (suppliers, customers, business partners) can refer to this Bodyto communicate any unlawful conduct or dysfunctions and deficiencies of the Model (Reporting – Whistleblowing)
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